I am my family/ Yo soy mi familia, Teaching and Learning/ Enseñando y aprendiendo

Poem in celebration of Black history month/African Diaspora in Latin America

I am from …
By Anyiné Galván Rodríguez

I am from ocean breezes warm to the soul
From salsa caliente with sazón.
I’m from “pelo malo”, big hips, and big lips.

I’m from family reunions in which
the main dish consists of pork chops, plantains,
rice, and beans.
I am from a mixture of African rhythms,
Spanish boleros,
and indigenous beats.

I am from islands that dance
with each other through their similarities.
I am from abuelitos wearing guayaberas
and grandmas walking around with old chancletas.

I am from a place full of melancholic
daydreams of a white sand beach.
I am from a revolving door between
the Caribbean and windy city.
I am from
Sammy Sosa
Roberto Clemente
I am from where by five you know how to master Dominó.
I am from flags that consist of white blue and red,
yet they have so many different tones and shades.

I am from where amor de familia is number one.
I am from this collage composed of pictures of
La CTA, Humboldt park, and down town.
I am from here, there, everywhere.
“Ni de aquí ni de allá”

I am from ocean breezes warm to the soul
From salsa caliente with sazón
I am from so many places
that at times I feel I’m from nowhere.
But what I’m sure of is that I AM
el Español
el Taino
y el Negro…

Yo soy yo.

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